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Writer's picture: LASC LDCLASC LDC

Newsletter 26th October 2013

Hello LancashireI thought it would be a good idea to just reflect on where we are at present and where we need to be going into the future. The Lancs Exec have been working on the LDC objectives with the Area Team with a collaborative approach and to date we have made some considerable progress. Overall the problems involving securing funding have been held up by the financial balancing act that needs to be carried out by the Area Team as a whole, and as a result the finance department cannot sign off finance requests until this process has been completed.To updateContract reform – the new way of referring to the new contractual conditions that will apply post pilot outcomes etc. The term “contract reform” has been chosen in order to avoid the re-commissioning issue that would arise if it was referred to as a “new contract”. Good news overall because the thought of re-tendering could potentially destabilise practices. This process however is moving very slowly and the original date of April 2015 will now not be happening. As always we will keep you all updated as information becomes available.The Routine Care Network has now received around 18 applications and the feedback from Local Dental Network Chair Eric is that there is every intention to look to keep all of the applicants involved in some future format. This is a good outcome and will ensure a comprehensive input from grass roots practitioners. Details will be forthcoming on a workshop in November.Appraisal – all set up to start up again as soon as funding has been finally confirmed. It is emerging at a number of high level gatherings that the Lancashire scheme is considered to be a leader in the field of dental appraisal.Needlestick – Nick Barkworth and myself have been working on the protocol for access to assessment, PEP and counselling following a needlestick incident within the dental team and have been well supported by the consultants in Occupational Health at both BVH and RPH. Again progress takes time when we are dealing with large acute trusts but we will get there. Funding is not the issue here but more so process and consistency across the patch.Committee meeting minutes on website – we are in the process of getting the minutes of crucial meetings on the LDC website. Such meetings include the Local Dental Network, LDC/AT Liaison and the Routine Care Network.IOTN Assessment – GDPs having to undertake IOTN assessments in the practice for no extra fee has provoked comments from a number of practitioners. We have raised this with the AT and it is being taken to the Orthodontic Network for discussionOrthodontic Contracts – there is a serious issue of Ortho Contracts being re-tendered from April 2015 and all the issues of business continuity and continuity of patient care. We are taking this forward to look for a solution locally to ensure our current ortho providers are able to continue to deliver the high quality service they are providing at present.FOR INFORMATION – you will be aware of the current move for therapists and hygienists to be able to diagnose and to treatment plan. Please be aware that this arrangement has not yet been fully ratified by the GDC. It is therefore essential that therapists and hygienists do not diagnose and treatment plan until the GDC makes final confirmation. This issue was brought to our attention by one of our dental practice advisors.Just one more thing – why do people in cars think they are invisible? I refer to the vile habit some drivers have of picking their nose at traffic lights. You must have noticed it whilst queuing at some hideous contra flow which delays you by half an hour or so and when you get there - there are no workmen to be seen! There is advertising on the radio at present asking drivers to be considerate towards roadworkers. Whilst I wholly support the principle I would argue that most of the time, as I mentioned before, when you get to the damn roadworks there is no-one there!Onwards and upwardsBernardSec Lancs LDC Exec

Upcoming Courses

Please see below details of Orthodontic course / Study day being given by Joanna Dancer re: IOTN and Orthodontics. Weds 27th Nov - IOTN Training course for GDPs - I am giving the next NW Deanery course at Royal Preston Hospital Education Centre 6-8.30pm - for any GDPs who are seeking IOTN training, booking details through the NW Deanery website.Sat 1st March 2014 – Orthodontic Study Day for DCPs, 9am -1pm Tickled Trout Hotel, Preston – I am contributing the orthodontic sessions for this study morning which I have helped set up with NW Deanery for Orthodontic Dental Nurses and Therapists. It will include core Radiography and Cross Infection as well. So do let your staff know, and they need to keep a look out on the NW Deanery website for details of booking.

Website News

Hi everyone, As Bernard mentioned above, we will be hosting the minutes of relevant committee meetings as I receive them - I'll update on availability in these newsletters. Your Lancashire Coastal LDC members are also providing brief biographies for me to add to the website. It's invaluable to know who is working on your behalf, and what they're doing - we're always interested in your feedback. Please peruse the website, and let us know what you think! Click Here Regards, Stuart

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Clear written contracts are vital for NHS/ICB schemes

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